
I could launch into a 20-page explanation of why Catholicism is, in fact, biblical, but io9 is not the place for that. But if I had to sum it up in a few sentences: The Bible was compiled by the Catholics in 397 AD. Since then, they've had 1600 years with it. Do you really think that a) they would put in things

Catholics make up 60% of Christianity. How can one 'confuse' the two?

And I quote: "With the release of the final piece of DLC, the Mass Effect trilogy has finally concluded. And so we've decided to spend a week taking a look back: It's Mass Effect Week at Kotaku. All week long, we'll be revisiting the last five and a half years of galaxy-saving heroism, cross-species romance, and

Honestly, I think that with just a *few* word choice changes, they could have made the synthesis ending (which is really only possible if you do make the Geth/Quarians work together and unite the galaxy to fight with you as one) the obvious 'right' ending. The Star Child was out of left field, yes, but just having a

Honestly, it took me a while (and the extended ending, which I wanted more for a sense of 'its over and your friends survived' than the original 'okay! Everyone's probably dead by now!' ending) but I think that the ending actually made sense. I wish there had been more foreshadowing of the synthesis ending (which

I do. I had an Xbox and loved Halo 1 and 2, but didn't have the cash or the desire to buy an entire new gaming system to play the one franchise I cared about on the Xbox that I couldn't get on PC (my primary gaming system). Now, near the end of the Xbox 360's lifespan... I still can't justify getting one.

When I got the original as a kid, I had to stop playing it after a while because I would start having nightmares about Chryssalids killing and zombifying all my troops. To this day when I play it, I refuse to do a terror mission at night.

I read it as part of a comparative religion class, so... I have to agree with you.

Wow. A fragment of a non-canonical bible text may suggest that Jesus had a wife. How is this going to be at all problematic to anyone? Its not canon. Other non-canonical books claim that Jesus shared secret knowledge with Judas, who was secretly Jesus' closest friend and his betrayal was Jesus' idea. Another one

For the love of... I just FINISHED a 30-day stare-at-the-funds-go-up run with Planetary Annihilation. Kotaku, you're going to drain my wallet completely empty at this rate.

Not sure about steam, but I got a digital copy through Amazon.

Castle of the Winds? I nearly forgot about that game. I MUST PLAY IT AGAIN!

But it is at least happy in its lonliness. Two, on the other hand, is sad.