
Me too.

This means that I leave you in the insanely capable hands of Patrick George,....

Perfect opportunity to raise federal gas tax and fix our crumbling roads.

I was so excited when I bought my Google Tv. Just for logitech to stop all sopport after their first and last update. Roku replaced it.

I'm still annoyed that hd-dvd failed.

I am an industry professional as well. I have been selling home automation products from several companies for over a decade now. The points that this gentleman makes are extremely valid, I never want to have "the cloud" in charge of my home automation, for the same reason this author describes.

You want the horsepower? You want the horsepower? You can't handle the horsepower! Son, we live in a world full of horsepower. And that horsepower has to be transmitted by big honking gears. Who's going to shift those gears? You?



Oh cool, a crazy person.

I've seen things you people wouldn't believe: Ferraris spit fire off the shoulder of Eau Rouge. I've seen brake lights glitter in the dark at the Mirabeau of Monaco. All these memories will be lost in time like tears in the rain.

Number of times I've almost been hit by a speeder: zero.

RIP Mr. Dolby, and thank you for everything from reducing my noise to providing a truly immersive theater experience via Dolby Surrond...and then putting that technology in little box for my home so I don't even have to go to the theater anymore! So iconic that it earned a short segment in Spinal Tap.

0:18 - Wilhelm Scream

Me too. And yet I come back to my car to find some asshat/fuckstick parked RIGHT NEXT to me, so close that I can hardly get in.

not sure if you've watched much F1 this year and last year but the racing has been quite good most of the time. Indy Car has been better but F1 hasn't been follow the leader.

This should happen in Austin at the Alamo Drafthouse, too.

HOHOHO. Merry Christmas!