Brandy's brother is important enough to trend on Twitter?
Brandy's brother is important enough to trend on Twitter?
I personally think that she sounds like an abused beagle. Perhaps, she's this generation's Beatles, in that her songs sound better when other (superior) singers sing them...?
You have just described the wonderful world of standom (not to be confused with fandom), where mental midgets and crackpots find a reason to live through their favorite entertainer.
Well, Lindsay ain't lying about those casting choices being pathetic as hell. Yes, I know this is akin to the pot calling the kettle black, but I'll make an exception to that rule since the very idea of this "movie" is a fucking travesty.
I just wish that she hadn't wasted it on those morons.
They already tried to do that with Trey Songz and Jason Derulo with moderate success.
It's not haughty if it's true. ;)
I'm sorry that you had to go through something like that, as I can imagine how fun it was for you.
I'll be uncool with you in stating my love for SATC.
Now you know full well that we can only have one ism at as time and that we are a traitor to the race if there's any suggestion of our community being plagued by more than just the 'obvious' one.
The first piece of gossip stated that Raven is allegedly being taken by this alleged fellow, who is allegedly only with her for her money. I don't know that that is something that anyone would want to live.
As usual, you beat me to it.
Don't feel bad for me for actually having standards. As for that song, it is better than this crap - by not by much.
I presume you're speaking of the song production (as opposed to the video production). If so, I surely can deny it because this sounds like stir-fried shit.
1. OK, I am confused:
Yet another no-talent of a reason why hip hop as I knew it has gone to the dogs.
No matter how young or old, that George Michael will always be a captain of my heart.
I'd hardly consider what I've had to say on this particular celebrity (or any other that I don't care for) to be "offensive" and "unwarranted". Since said celebrity/celebrities have zero consideration or respect for me and people like me, I refuse to cut them any slack - especially since they know better and choose…