The only reason that I can't quite get behind the "Latifah doesn't owe us anything" school of thought is because she has publicly denied being gay before (as opposed to simply refusing the answer the question).
Boy, Lauryn Hill sure knows how to pick 'em...
Bonus points if the sight of them causes certain women to clutch their purses tighter.
Since I'm sure that someone's already beat me to calling out Jezebel for their hypocrisy regarding their coverage of white male celebrities vs. Black male celebrities, I'll add myself as a plus one to their bullshit-calling table and express disappointment at a beautiful Blacktress choosing to date that abusive…
Well, what's the fun of writing about two powerful Black women who get along? It's much more fun to pin Basketball-Wives-level of stereotypical bitchery onto the First Lady and the richest Black woman in 21st century.
Same thing I said (bad makeup job), but others are saying that she looks like she's either suffering from skin discoloration (vitiligo?) or lups.
I've always heard her refer to herself as "Black" - not "mixed" or "bi/multiracial" - when the subject comes up, so I'm not sure why she'd publicly do so while checking 'white' on her government papers.
I agree. Her features also stand out a lot more with that hair color, as the blonde washes her out and makes her look generic.
Hmm, this is news to me, considering that Lionel Richie's daughter is always quick to proclaim that she is "Black".
Lionel Richie's daughter has Black hair?
I've heard chatter about this (that Xtina is shitting on Tony/that Tony is shitting on XTina) for weeks now, but it truly goes over my head when I watch the show because I haven't noticed a thing.
1. I can hear my friend cursing the heavens over this Jimi Hendrix casting since he swears up and down that Dre is a bootleg version of Prince who is a bootleg version of Hendrix. Yep, it'll be a lively weekend...
It was never OK with me, which is why I'm thrilled that both women are calling that shitty song, as well as the fools that decided to perform it, out.
As usual, Star (and XTina, who kickstarted it) made an excellent point - a point that'll most likely be brushed aside as "hating" because some are too lazy to examine their justifications of blatant misogyny over rocking to a hot beat by a 'kewl' rapper.