
Ah, my second favorite Sheena Easton song.

Now playing

How are you going to mention Ms. Easton without referencing one of the best songs of all time?

Any excuse to utilize the delicious Mr. Elba, I will use.

Why am I not surprised?

I haven't read this article but others have made brief references to what it is describing in this excerpt. This is the first time that I'm reading about her scenes in detail and it simply confirms my suspicions.

I understand what you're saying. However, I'm firmly in the camp that believes that Tarantino is a hack that has built his career on regurgitating stereotypes for public consumption.

JGL is involved in this mess, too, unfortunately.

Frankly, I don't think that it is useful or valuable to explore or revisit a (sub)genre that disrespects a group of people. I believe that there are other ways to explore film without going down that tired route.

In a Q&A (can't remember if it was taped or transcribed), Denzel discussed a role that he found degrading and said that he'd turned it down adding, "Ask Sam Jackson...he'll take anything."

I would kill for someone to add in subtitles to telenovelas so that I can finally indulge in the cheese that I am sure that I am missing.

I wasn't happy with Pulp Fiction, either, for the record. From what I read of this flick, I think this is an excuse for him to reinforce Black stereotypes and I don't think that he should be applauded for 'exploring ideas in film'.

Some of them, yes.

Thanks for the heads up, as well as the link to the article.

This is actually from The Long Hot Summer (my favorite 50s Paul Newman movie, as that was where he and Joanne Woodward fell in love).

I'm more partial to Paul myself, but I'll say that he and Marlon were both a pair of beauties.

They sure do.......................................

Just sayin', though.....

No, they're trying way too hard to remain unchecked assholes.


1. This Mandingo-level of fuckery looks and sounds trifling as hell. You'd think that both Jamie Foxx and Kerry Washington would curb their thirstiness to be accepted by mainstream America by not participating in Tarantino's plantation porn, but nope.