
Ok, ok. I'll take the grinning idiot.

Sure - you made a rather lecturing, sarcastic and literal response to a joke. A poor joke, but a joke nonetheless.

This was good but I think the end of Chuck Vs Santa Claus was way better. Holy crap.

I think if private space tourism really does happen to a wider degree than now (once Virgin's intiative starts perhaps) then hopefully costs will come down to the point where it's not just the millionaires / billionaires. Your point of perspective though was a really good one. It can only be better if more people have

That's a really good point.

Don't worry. Meredith needed a re-boot.

Add dandelions. I mean lightness.


Time traveller! ^^

lol - something like that

Genrally speaking it's actually pretty simple. Planets and moons don't emit light. Galaxies, nebulae, etc do. Even then most images you'll see will be a composite of wavelengths many of which are not visible to the human eye but are false coloured to be seen. In this case radar images as Titan has a thick atmosphere.

Well if it looks like the first pic I'm going with Alien invasion.


Nah. That's just central London. Come to the East End Cobra, some lads want to have a word with you.

You know no matter how vague a comment I make, someone on io9 will not only recognize it, but pick it up and run with it.

I wonder if it has any voolnerables

This year we invaded Mars. We sent this. It has a laser.

I love that movie. It's so gloriously WTF.

Sadly not, but the two lovely ladies from Czech would often make me toast so there was that.

This. After 95 years of the company they produce their first FUGLY car.