Sure - you made a rather lecturing, sarcastic and literal response to a joke. A poor joke, but a joke nonetheless.
This was good but I think the end of Chuck Vs Santa Claus was way better. Holy crap.
I think if private space tourism really does happen to a wider degree than now (once Virgin's intiative starts perhaps) then hopefully costs will come down to the point where it's not just the millionaires / billionaires. Your point of perspective though was a really good one. It can only be better if more people have…
That's a really good point.
Don't worry. Meredith needed a re-boot.
Time traveller! ^^
lol - something like that
Genrally speaking it's actually pretty simple. Planets and moons don't emit light. Galaxies, nebulae, etc do. Even then most images you'll see will be a composite of wavelengths many of which are not visible to the human eye but are false coloured to be seen. In this case radar images as Titan has a thick atmosphere.
Well if it looks like the first pic I'm going with Alien invasion.
You know no matter how vague a comment I make, someone on io9 will not only recognize it, but pick it up and run with it.
I wonder if it has any voolnerables
I love that movie. It's so gloriously WTF.
Sadly not, but the two lovely ladies from Czech would often make me toast so there was that.