When I was in my twenties - sure. I actually had a bedroom in a shared house that was built under the stairs and only had enough room for a narrow single bed and a hat stand.
When I was in my twenties - sure. I actually had a bedroom in a shared house that was built under the stairs and only had enough room for a narrow single bed and a hat stand.
This is by FAR the funniest thing I've read all day. Thanks!
Why would that make you a horrible person? I would say that would make you an awesome person.
Oh please. That's like three episodes of Buffy.
It's starts gelling about six or seven episodes in.
I was pointing out that your analogy of two books = 8 hours was false. There aren't two books. There is one book and about ten pages.
That has to be one of the funniest episode blurbs I’ve read:
Uh.. don't feel bad - and I was being serious please don't rewatch this. I still remember the horror that poor CJ had to go through when reviewing the V reboo
Please don't rewatch the episode because of something I said. There's ones duty and then there is cruel and unusual.
I found this episode hilariously WTF. I commented on the O’Deck about the bizarre juxtaposition of cutsey droids and the colonel contemplating suicide. Very surreal.
I stand corrected.
Avast ye blaggards! The ships goin' down!
Absolutely gutted. My older brother used to videotape Sky At Night for me when we were kids as it came on too late for me to watch. An amazing man with incredible enthusiasm and dedication to science.
As a fellow Brit I too have heard of these. I kinda like our superstitious traditions though
OMG! That egg is... is looking at me! It's like the Mona Lisa without a face! Even the chicken is freaking out!
8? 8 is an odd number to pick for a list.