

Titanic 2: Ice, Ice Baby

Well since tabs have been slang for ciggies since the First World War I'm guessing you're really Methuselah.

Even better – pay no tax whatsoever next tax season by hoisting the Jolly Rodger and investing in the Crimson Permanent Assurance!*

I think the last theory I read was that climate change caused dinosaurs to start to die out and then the asteroid finished them off.

You know the theory’s gonna be fiendish when the stock photo is your brain jumping to hyperspace.

Slang Dictionary:

Walter Kovacs it is. Thank god I missed Big Bird by a day.

Only one.

Hey, I was going to a cool oldy school before that hipster Potter was.

Would it help if I got out, bunked behind the bike sheds, smoked a few tabs and pretended to push?


She's probably from the other Universe.

Aurora Boreanus?


Cute but can it drive?

Cool article but that's a really creepy stock photo. It's giving me the wiggins.

Get huge like the Hulk with our Real Life Routine!* **

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