
It is a board game based on Forgotten Realms IP. It has nothing to do with D&D mechanics. Essentially you have a limited amount of workers (agents) you place in buildings to get resources (adventurers) or other effects that you then use to complete recipes (finish quests) for points. A very fun game and it changes

I was very pleasantly surprised by how fun this board game is. I'll probably get the iPad version if the AI is any good.

At this point I think it is newsworthy when a video game movie tie in is actually any good as opposed to the crapracular norm.

Lots of good board games on iPad, as well. Settlers of Catan, Small World, Stone Age, etcetera.

They got the look right.

Of course not. Anyone unprofessional enough to quit in this way will not Lilly have foresight or common sense.

The funny this is that I would get mad at folks not taking me seriously when I was in my 20s and now that I am in my 40s I see that they were right all along.

The funny this is that I would get mad at folks not taking me seriously when I was in my 20s and now that I am in my 40s I see that they were right all along.

How I read this article :

How did I know kick starter before I even finished reading the headline?

It is simple. Say he or she. If the person is clearly transgender them use whatever gender they are appearing to be.

I put a lot of hours into it but it was so expansive that I burned out after time.

Spot on.

Evidence of cultural bias and not any type of console superiority. True fact.

Not represented in this list are iPhone versions of tabletop board games. Some of these are great; like San Juan or Settlers of Catan.

Part if me wants to root for this guy because he is hated on due to his popularity... But he does seem like kind of a tool.

This game really did deserve more success.


You know I liked a lot of the Witcher 2 but ultimately I stopped playing it because I just didn't like the main character.

I'm sorry but I do have to question the timing of this announcement. Because if he does did this on his day-to-day life I would have no comment. But since his legal defense is tied into this it questions the authenticity of his decision.