do u have the directions to the money tree?
do u have the directions to the money tree?
Wow....the ol’ gender wage gap argument again. Remind me again why I am not strictly hiring women and saving myself over 20% on my single biggest line item expense?
I have a hard time believing that the actuaries are intentionally adjusting their data to change the premiums in minority neighborhoods. Could there be something in the actuarial models that does not show up in the profile Consumer Reports and Pro Publica are using?
Highly unlikely, the Saudis crewed themselves when they tried to destroy frackin, now they are stuck with low prices or low prices plus loss market share. Gas prices will unlikely go up very high anytime soon.
True. So I have to have experience wearing tight outfits and wiggling to comment now?! You just don’t get it man...
This is one of those things where you have a choice — you can choose to be offended by it, or you can choose to accept it. I suggest the latter.
Why don’t you ask the Monster girls how they feel? No one is forcing them to do the job, so before you get offended for them, ask them if they are offended.
Wish I could get paid to stand around and smile, and maybe wriggle every now and then.
I had a friend who was a model for Rockstar energy. Basically what the monster girls do just a different brand and she loved what she did. Who am I and who are you to judge these girls. Nobody is forcing them into this. You can’t say youre for the advancement of women then condem them all in the same article
Who cares?
I’ve always said these “youtubers” should not have made youtube their only source of income. I could tell years ago it was going to backfire eventually.
heres an idea go to a new distributing platform. or you know stop careing about money. money ruins everything. so tired of the greed in this shit world.
Yeah, but then you will own a Buick.
At first I thought it was Uber, but I agree with you, Jalop just blanket hates ride sharing services.
Uber is a shit company that provides a worthwhile service. Does providing a worthwhile service mean that we shouldn’t call them out on their shit?
Despite Jalopnik’s desire to smear and end all ride sharing companies, I know my friends and I (and legions of people) here in San Diego will continue to gleefully use Uber and Lyft because they are 10x better than the alternative. So yeah, keep trying Jalopnik.. it isn’t going to work.
And they wouldn’t tow your car from outside a bar because they don’t allow overnight parking on the street.
Why not just not drive if you’ve had a cup of coffee? That’ll impair you as much as one beer will. Makes you all jittery and shit.
This is to put more money in the State of Utah’s coffers, possibly even MADD.
This was great. You know why? Because, for all of 2 minutes, I wasn’t thinking about the next four years.