So basically it just now has the features I've had in chrome for years? It's nice to see then making improvements but it took far to long for basic stuff like this
So basically it just now has the features I've had in chrome for years? It's nice to see then making improvements but it took far to long for basic stuff like this
Damn that new ILX is a looker in that color combo
Everyone has been recommending it I'll have to check it out. If it's as good as everyone says, they need to advertise it better
A few people have replied to me with Man in the High Castle so I’ll have to check it out. If Amazon does have good shows, they need to do a lot better with their advertising because I don't really hear anything out it. Everyone knows about House of Cards and Orange is the New Black whether you watch it or not. I don't…
Wow hindsight 20/20 I can't believe they didn't do cowboy hats in Austin
Would you really quit Mercedes? Because then you wouldn't be coming in podium at all. It's always a silver arrows 1st & 2nd unless something goes horribly wrong. Having someone like Hamilton for a teammate must suck, but at least you're guaranteed a podium finish with Mercedes
The only child on that team is the one that pushes his teammate off the road turn 1
I know that feeling. Here's the only brightside I have. Amazon Prime is $99/year, which if you do the math, is the same as Hulu and Netflix /year. But with Prime you get a ton more benefits including two-day shipping and their music service. The downside is that Amazon video basically sucks other than this new Top…
LOL I would love to see how the Argentinians would enforce their laws on a British person living in Britain
“...lose about 40%...”
Did they really school us tho? Because that would never pass US crash testing
Guys is it that time of year to start the whole winter tires thing
I was thinking the same thing. Pay back for turn 1
That was a cringeworthy moment indeed. On top of that he gets pushed out wide on the first turn. He regains the lead and the blows it at the very end. I can totally understand why he's mad. Not to mention the Lewis secured the championship
Jesus Christ yes I'm so sick of these hipsters saying Brown is a good car color
God that looks so good especially in that blue color. This looks better than the hardtop, especially in that Union Jack photo
Volvo is about to make the best looking cars in the world after they roll out the new design to all models. So much want. Give me the damn 2-door estate concept
Too be fair, all those drugs leave your system fairly quick. Idk what the time line was but there's a good chance they could have taken drugs and been perfectly clean by the time they got tested. Not saying they did do drugs, just saying how the testing works
2k11 was plagued with these guys in MyPark
What part of “This was from an event by our Russian office several years ago” are you having trouble understanding?