As true as this is, don't forget there commercial airlines also have auto-land capabilities. They don't work in bad weather tho so I suppose that kinda amplifies the need to be skilled at landing
As true as this is, don't forget there commercial airlines also have auto-land capabilities. They don't work in bad weather tho so I suppose that kinda amplifies the need to be skilled at landing
Copyright claim :(
They're returning but it's not going to be to a TV unless you get Amazon Prime on yours
Buzzwords are the worst thing to happen to journalism. The fact that you can now add -gate and -ghazi to scandals that have nothing to do with Watergate Hotel or Benghazi and everyone is okay with this makes me lose my mind. It's not edgy or clever, it's stupid and it's somehow become the norm
Oh my word that paint job yes please
Lol @ when a security “officer” thinks they have the right to detain someone. It’s horrible that he got so badly injuried but hopefully now he’ll his place
The fact that people are tacking on -gate and -gazhi to the end of any scandal non-ironically makes me want to burn every media outlet to the ground.
Yea I don't see the point of this video at all. Because it's literally not graphic or disturbing *at all*. People are just over sensitive these days. It doesn't show the accident or the victims after or during the crash. If they want this video to have an effect on anyone you can't edit the one part that will actually…
Endless studies have found that having speed limits too slow is just as, if not more dangerous. That’s not saying your extreme of no speed limits on roads with lanes 4ft wide would be a good idea, but having speed limits be too slow is in fact dangerous. The speed limit argument isn't really valid in this video, but…
lol I’m from NY and I’ve never heard of that
First off, what he does in his private life is his business. Secondly, where is the outrage at Hope Solo’s domestic violence charges? I rest my case.
Wow impressive altitude control on that manuver. I can't even imagine what that looked like from the inside
Where did you hear this? None of the articles I've read on this said anything about that, so if there's one that gives me more detailed account send a link!
They're coming out with a new Tribeca, not sure if it'll have 3rd row but I'd imagine it would
> full-size SUV at this year’s Tokyo Motor Show
Jesus Christ Douglas. Jalopnik has its own YouTube channel where they film stuff with real cameras built in this century. Kindly ask to borrow one. If only Carmax sold HD cameras
I see a car like this and I think who the fuck wants this shit. Then I see people like this. Now I understand why we can't have nice things
EL-OH-FUCKING-EL MAYBE TOYOTA SHOULD ASK THE U.S. ABOUT ITS MILLIONS OF DOLLARS END UP IN TERRORISTS’ HANDS. Toyata at least doesn't set out to be involved in this unlike all the money the U.S. throws into that region.
Look no further for proof of “one man’s patriot is another’s terrorist”. It’s absolutely shameful that people are proud of taking lives. It’s one thing to brag about saving the world from bad people, it’s another to be proud of who you killed. This idiot put himself and potentially his family in danger by bragging…
ahhh civil forfeiture in all it’s glory what a fantastic country we live in