Tommy Five, Formula J's Growler

@WillieG Sure, the lens itself will be criticized, but if the photographer knows how to work well with it then it is a wonderful benefit.

@Curves: My girlfriend has a pot holder that says "The best coffee is coffee shared". Not sure why it's on a pot holder, but I like it anyway.

@versatilias: I'm not going to argue you point by point, as the discussion is reaching stratospheric lengths. I will however ask you a couple questions. You don't have to answer them, but at least consider them.

@versatilias: GPS? I have a map. It folds neatly into my pocket. If I want to know where to get some good food or where the nearest movie theater is, I'll ask someone on the street or a clerk at a shop. If I'm really clueless and cannot find someone to ask, I call Google 411 or a friend.

@Ldubbz: Enjoying electronics and gadgets does not mean that you also enjoy distractions and constant connectedness.

@ddhboy: Facebook killed MySpace long before those irritating apps came along.

@khdownes: I saw bunches of distortion in the posted video... it still looks fantastic, don't get me wrong, but don't kick yourself. They just have less noticeable artifacting from the interpolation process due to sharper footage, probably.

@Philip Han: Cross your eyes to look at the pictures. Or, use a stereoviewer.

@themaninfinity: Crowdsourcing. Nothing groundbreaking, but it's great when it gets used (it seldom does).

@Andinator: Don't joke about it. They're probably in their run-down corporate tower mulling over what colors an EasyShare mobile phone would come in.

@Onizuka-GTO: Solidworks is the only thing I used for solid modeling. It's a breeze to work with!

@Red-the-Blue-Communist: They've been absolutely terrible with me. My software never activated properly, so I went two weeks exchanging emails (because I'm an academic user, I'm not privy to a phone call with them), then eventually got an email saying that the particular department I spent 2 weeks getting shuffled

@das7002: Hmm... I've never seen Blender used for product design before. Rhino is looking pretty good to me right now as well. Alias Automotive, your awful interface is behind me.

God, Autodesk? They're the only company I've known to tell me to fuck off (figuratively) after their software would not activate.

@RuBBa_cHiKiN: North Gizmodo is Best Gizmodo: It's not called the "fast lane". It's the passing lane. Technically speaking, it's only to be used if someone is traveling under the speed limit. Realistically speaking, it's only to be used if someone is not obeying the flow of traffic.

@galanix: Okay, from the sound of things it seemed like you were exceeding the flow of traffic based on the necessity of slowing down when U-Turn spots are passed. Around my neighborhood, cops don't bother unless you're speeding versus the flow of traffic and generally engaging in tomfoolery.

@galanix: It sounds like you're still young and dumb if you insist on consistently breaking the law.

My thesis paper will be awesome.

@MacAttack: A useless (to you) device sitting in a desk drawer is much better utilized by someone who has use for it. Sell it, earn yourself some money, and give the old iPod Touch the life it deserves - a life with duty and purpose.