Tommy Five, Formula J's Growler

@wes.rast: They're not changing the audio jack. They're talking about adding a microphone to the bottom of the jack to utilize a hole that's already there. This proposes to do nothing to the functionality of your earbuds.

@satyrica: Aw, you're no fun. What's the point of the internet if you can't enjoy a stimulating debate with the opposing opinion? =)

@satyrica: It's not simplicity for simplicity's sake. Simplicity does tend to make experience a lot richer, though. Cooking is a very simple thing. The only thing that should actively complicate it is the cooking itself - not the device you're cooking with.

@bobbobato: Well, that's one of the benefits. When I cook, I'm getting spices, putting things away, stirring, and yes - all the while adjusting temperature.

@satyrica: Who has owned a touchscreen phone longer than a couple years? A low life-span product qualifies as a gimmick in many respects in my book. Mechanical implements rarely break, and when they do they are identifiable parts that can be replaced using a little know how. Good luck to the average user or even

My main issue with this concept is the touchscreen. It makes a long-term investment seem gimmicky, prone to issues, and lacking in any tactile feel.

I don't think we've been in the 21st century long enough to evaluate how important any one invention is to society.

1. Increase production cost

And then they went around mucking about and stopped pushing the technology sometime in the 90's. Thanks for playing a pivotal role in running Rochester into the ground, Kodak.

@ps61318: I'm still going to have to disagree with you on the shorts issue. Form-fitting clothing nearly eliminates chafing and mobility problems. Even gym shorts limit leg mobility to some degree.

@Pressure: I said this in a later response, but I'll put it here too:

@ps61318: I agree with you on every point except the saddle. The most comfortable saddles are often the ones with the least padding. More padding on the saddle creates a situation where the excess material gets pushed into your hooha nerve and causes numbum, if you knowwhatimean.

@BPL5683: Regardless of whether or not it's hurting the Star Wars franchise, Lucas owns it and can control its success or downfall. If he wants to kill it that's his own choice - he shouldn't have to let someone else do it.

@Hookey: Not everybody likes the minimalist design. Sometimes, people want to own a product with some character and details that relate to the owner a bit better than an Apple product.

@Doug Reeves: Keep in mind this is NYC. Nobody is familiar with them up there - best bet with that is to play it safe, especially from a police officer's point of view.

@El Guano: Good grief that's fascinating...