My X-type is too a real Jaguar

The wall of death is fun to watch

I thought Ham was to be used for bumpers not power? I’m so confused.

Refrigerated trailers have their own diesel tanks.

You’re also not in your 70s

That lead picture will cause nightmares. Attack of the 500 ft Sandra Bullock

Another point about the cheaper car not being the best car, especially if you keep your car a long time is I call “I wish” factor. Don’t try to save a few dollars buy not getting an option you really want, because if you do every time tou get in the car for the next decade you are going to say “I wish I’d paid up for

Short answer, maybe, but it will be expensive and have a casusalty rate of near 100% of the opposing force.

Best one I ever saw XTINCT on an MGB. I thought that was great.

Exactly a 10 year old girl looks at a 5 foot wide, 3 foot deep trench and says “Let’s go around” a 10 year old boy says “I can jump that on my bmx, watch this!”

I wouldn’t wish this car on my worst enemy. There’s tasteful mods then there’s whatever you call this rolling pile of bad ideas.

Depends on the state, there are no federal laws governing that I know of.

Roof rack is the give away police models don’t have them

That is just cruel

Indiana is diabolical, Pickups markesd as DOT vehicles, Mustangs, Camaros, Camry’s and who knows what else.

That is a an awfully sad face for sitting in a Most Glorious Achievement in Transportative Advancement for Use Upon Billiard-Smooth Highways as Are Uniformly to Be Found Inside Workers’ Paradise

Actually I think they have a deal for two more before this on even was shot.

Because they cost more than the Olympics with a worse return on investment. Add in the low cost of international travel, the interest just isn’t there any longer.

I like this, or you could go the Airplane! route and dub in Radial Engine sounds, or even better Jet Engine sounds.

Now playing

When in doubt always refer to the Vincent Vega handbook for automotive etiquette, You don’t fuck with another mans automobile.

I would come but the only way to get there is United and my cut man says I need a week before my next fight.