
Every time I see a TV ad or an article about these self propelled resorts I scratch my head and wonder what the attraction is. On the plus side, the more tourists that get sucked onto these, the fewer tourists where I want go.

I have read everything and so far I have not found any actual PROOF that this is the case. the EPA spent some time with the trucks and did some snif testing  on some undisclosed test loop or something and found that the vehicles were not compliant. 

Now playing

Ash Vandelay, an award-winning motorsport Twitch streamer and official Red Bull Racing content creator,”

Now playing

Fry : Oh, the fools! Why didn’t they build it with six thousand and one hulls? When will they learn?

shifting upward and disengaging the twelve “stops” intended to keep the airborne human transport tube whole

When I posted that the MAX is shoddily put together, I got yelled at.

You’re assuming the bolts were even on there in the first place. Given Boeing’s (and their subcontractor) track record of late, they might not have been on there. 

If finger tight is good enough for me then is should be good enough for the picky buggers at the FAA.

Safety Wire and Red Loctite. Or another Castle nut with cotter as Pictured

FAA: Do you feel this aircraft is safe for interstate travel?

In the history of descriptions no single person has ever described the RAM drivers of central PA more accurately

Eh, I’ve seen enough content of people immediately putting wheel/tire packages on the CT to say otherwise. I bet before long plenty of factory fresh CTs will fall victim to same choices endorsed by the bro-truck crowd.

The venn diagram of people buying Cybertrucks and people driving on original factory tires until they are bald is just a circle...

I can’t be the only one who thinks this is kind of awesome, right? Isn’t this basically peak-Jalop? Buying the cars of yesteryear that we claim to pine for, but also with a warranty?

I don’t know why the two-time Miss Universe pageant winner and inventor of the internal combustion engine would be doing something like this.

Tagging along for the ride, Stellantis — which could have nearly 5 million impacted vehicles — also called the regulator’s decision “arbitrary, capricious, and contrary to law.” That’s very serious, but if you imagine Johnnie Cochran saying it, it gets a lot funnier.”

All the pickup truck owners with Fuck Trudeau bumper stickers are going to love this.

The key is fast charging that works.

But “US government commits $7.5B and so far only installed one charger!!!!” has so much more clickbait appeal than  “Charger installation has started, 6 years to go”

You know who else liked to hang out with prostitutes?  Jesus.  Why do you hate Jesus?