
If you want beef then bring the ruckus, Wu-Tang Clan ain’t nothing to fuck with.

It was last time I checked. Looks like they think it could be stuck for a few weeks.

The house I grew up in was juuust outside of town enough that we had a well...I miss it.  Being in the Midwest our water is hard as concrete, so the necessity of putting water through a purifier and softener since it was a well meant it was delicious out of the faucet. Living in an apartment I have to settle for a

Triggering thin-skinned grays like yourself is more than worth my time.

This is an obvious good buy in this day and age, which is a weird thing to say. But these are rad, and this one is pretty well sorted.

Jeff Bezos saved WaPo from bankruptcy. Jeff Bezos bought Business Insider and turned it into a premier internet news source. He also removed the commenting function which was greatly appreciated by longtime readers such as myself. Jeff Bezos bought Whole Foods and immediately lowered the prices on salmon, a

Ive always wanted to say “don't worry, I’m on the pill...”

yeah if that wasn’t true I just got “taxed” by Amazon

From Wikipedia:

I know not this rust you speak of and am glad of my ignorance.

Dude, you’re doing yeoman’s work for the oil companies here by calling it a tax, when it isn’t.

If this fee wasn’t instituted by a local or state government, it’s not a tax. It’s just oil companies sneakily hosing everyone but they call it a “fee” so they can say the base price hasn’t changed.

They have it in their mind that they will get motion sickness. They don’t even want to be a passenger on a real plane.

Please refrain from posting my personal image online.

Right. Like literally being hydrolocked. You’d be surprised how many people end up driving through water deep enough to crest the hood and reach the windshield, end up with a hydrolocked engine, and are completely surprised when they take it into the mechanic and are informed of such. They also often fail to mention

Fold the third row and pretend it’s not there. 

“The Earls of LA” premiering on Paramount+ next month.

Seemed like they were just good old boys and never meaning no harm.

4 is still impressive, it’s just not criminally insane.

In a freezer downtown?