
I buddy of mine has a late 90's Suburban with lifetime pads and rotors. Every few years he pulls out the old receipt and gets new ones. It has been an amazing deal for him.

That same company SURELY wouldn’t also make a 4 cylinder performance car...

Putting in fast chargers at gas stations would, in most cases, require an expensive upgrade of their power service. 

Boomers like V8's though. If your goal is to make a Boomer Cruiser, you gotta give it a Boomer Engine. Even if the V8 had less power than the V6 used, I bet it would have been better recieved.

Especially if it is a newborn. They are a) compact and b) don’t have any friends you have to lug around.

They should do a trim with really nice front seats and vinyl rears that can be hosed out.

Take that rational thought elsewhere. You know that Jalops can only haul children in wagons or vans.

Affect = Verb

Bidirectional would suck if the grid sold you power at a higher price than they bought it back for. And, if you discharge your battery overnight or during the day you may not have the range you need for trips the next day.

Reminds me of the old saying “Torqued to spec or crossthreaded, tight is tight”.

Trying to think of a way to argue with you. The following is the best I can come up with.

I’m guessing it was a Weekend at Bernie’s type scenario

The worst are those killjoys at the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives. They exist to limit our access to the 4 most fun things ever invented.

Can a Brit really not understand the love of SUV’s? I mean, you gave us the Land Rover....

And, the options often allow him to buy shares at a discounted price. He can sell some at market value and then use the money to buy other shares at a below-market value.

Thank you!!!! 

Sounds like a resounding success for ol’ Carlos. I think some of the ‘rescuers’ are in jail though. Much less success for them.

Want to share your login with a stranger on the Internet???

Right. Even at this (absurd price) you won’t lose money on it. You could hold this truck, paint it up nice, use it as a summer cruiser and sell it for a small fortune later. 

Closer! Buuuuut still wrong. Lol