
Dana 35's are ok. Between my brother and I, we have had 4 XJ’s and a TJ with no problems. Of course , tire size was about 31" on all of them. I feel that’s a sweet spot for the XJ. 

There are distinct cults that pop up here. The M.I.A.T.A. cult, the Church of save the Manuals, that lunatic Torchinsky trying to convert everybody to Turn Signaltarianism.

Those old bushings look more than a little rough.

I had a forklift idled for 8 weeks waiting for parts. They just started work on it today. Heavy truck parts are getting hard to come by.

The 2010 Dodge lineup is pretty good

Each incarnation is sadder than the last.

But it’s not in OUR backyard, so who cares?

I am a chemist by trade but in grad school, I did some very limited work with a recombinant E. coli that would convert bromobenzene to a diene diol stereo-specifically which we used as a starting material for natural product synthesis. Anyways, I do remember the cells being kept in a -80 freezer and thawing them out

That’s a new one. Had to google it.

I nearly died laughing about the demise of the Renner app. I would imagine there being maybe a dozen actual fans and scores of trolls. 

Size is a safety feature. 

Those of us who were at the right age to find Austin Powers HILARIOUS are now in out late 30's to 40's, which is prime new car buying age. It’s a pretty clumsy attempt to use nostalgia to get us to buy mediocre cars.

I have never met another person who says tarpaulin instead of ‘tarp’. Weird.

Over here is where we drape white sheets over vaguely car-shaped objects

No worries, friend. How is the clinical trial life?

Ummm. I am in NO way anti vaccine. I have 3 shots (2 Pfizers and a Moderna). In fact, back in my grad school days, my research group did some work with a big pharmaceutical company, so I have a pretty good understanding of the safety hurdles that any drug goes through. If Aspirin had been subjected to modern clinical

We won with the numbers game. A mammoth can only squish a few of us before taking too many spears.

Thanks. I was glad to have my first 2 shots. It was, in some ways, relieving to get a mild covid case. I figure it gets me a small bit of extra immunity. You stay safe too!

Unfortunately, my booster was scheduled for about 2 weeks after I got sick. The vaccine did its job and I avoided the hospital. It was like a flu for 2 days then pretty much fine.

If I the ability to spend tons of money and could mess up some Dutchman’s day at the same time, I totally would. Those wooden-shoed weirdos need to be hassled every now and again.