
I drove a 70's CJ5 on the highway a few times. It was terrifying and not something to repeat. The Jeep itself had a Chev small block in place of the 60 HP 4 cylinder, so it could do 70 mph. However, it still had the 3 speed manual so the engine was screaming at that speed.

Cocaine and qualuudes? 

I think that as a society, we are extending adolescence and infantilizing young people that could handle more responsibility. I grew up on a farm and my siblings and I all started driving tractors around 10-12 years old. Now, they are slow moving and there’s often not a lot to hit. I have seen co-workers whose 18-20

Maybe YOU don’t need 3 copies of Time Cop.

My in-laws are from Eastern Europe and they MUST haggle, so something like this is perfect for them. If the options are $20,000 firm vs $22,000 with $2000 off, they will go for the latter every time so they can brag about getting a deal.

Agricultural crime is pretty interesting.

Last summer I went to change the brake rotor’s on the wife’s Focus. One rotor was stuck, so I started beating it with a hammer, as one does. After quite a bit of serious beating, the rim detached itself from the center section. I had to use the angle grinder to cut the center section off the hub. Lots of anti-seize

A Morgan Plus Four really should come with a jaunty pair of plus fours to wear while driving.

This makes sense. 

I had a 91 Cherokee Laredo as well. Leafs were flat but I did the poor man’s fix and just replaced all the leafs except the main leaf and put in an add-a-leaf to beef it up. Same effect at a fraction of the effort.

Yes! I spent an afternoon cleaning and rain-xing our cars and the results were fantastic. I did the scrape with a razor and then clay bar. 

I bought a TJ that has a tint that I am sure is not quite legal. I actually thought the reverse lights weren’t working until I rolled down the window and realized they were fine.


We can comprehend a phrase and still think that it is poorly written.

Definitely a rare bird


The plot thickens!

Interesting. I could see the legacy German manufacturers resist the new jack trying to sell cars on their turf. The Germans are a sneaky lot.

Shame on the Financial Times for using this phrase:

Toyotas suck for oil changes. I tried to do one for a friend with a Corolla and it had a similar system. I couldn’t even figure out how to get the filter out so I had to just re-fill the oil and tell her to go to a shop.