
So I have heard.

I did not realize that. Learn something new every day.

I love that thing! It makes me want to slap on a wetsuit and go for a drive.

Oooh, I didn’t have the purple rims. Did have the spoiler though. 

I know the last US made vehicle with a carburetor was the 1991 Jeep Grand Wagoneer. I would love to get one but would immediately put throttle body fuel injection on it.

I loved my GLI. It had a LOT of early 2000's VW issues though. I ended up selling it to a buddy who drove it for 2 years until one of the computers decided to die. At that point, it wasn’t worth fixing.

My mother had a purple 1995 Ford Escort when I was in highschool that I would occasionally drive. There were 2 other purple escorts in our town. It is amazing because the population was about 5,000 at the time.

A vehicle owned by a fire dept is actually a better buy than almost all other used cars. They are maintained meticulously. My father has an F700 that was from a fire dept. It was in fantastic shape and had low miles when he got it. It also had a lot of redundancies including dual batteries, dual fuel tanks, and

The first time I saw a Lada Niva in Canada, I chased the dude down and got him to pull into a parking lot so I could check it out. He was cool with me geeking out, or at least tolerated me. I guessed that it was a late 80's in good shape but it was about a 2000 model year. It was amazing to see a carbureted engine

I love this idea!

The NFL is the same way. The announcers mention the Microsoft Surface about 4 times per half.

Yeah. It turns out that the ones at the dealership can’t be optioned with a V8 and RWD!

Darn cheap Foreign cars!

It didn’t look like a very good burrito. If you’re going to smuggle with a burrito, at least make it look edible.

Whoever had that chainsaw really needed to tighten the chain. They’re going to be dealing with a lot of kickback or risk having the chain come off the bar. Nothing is more embarrassing than having to stop chasing a group of teens to put the chain back on your massacrein’ saw.

When my grand-dad was in his 80's he got a 3/4 ton Suburban. He was safe on the road. Other cars, mailboxes, wildlife, and pedestrians were in mortal danger.

I’ll take Tim Hortons over Starbucks but that could just be decades of conditioning. 

Fair enough. At least with point 3, it depends on a definition of ‘local’ I was thinking more of North American jobs. I guess, I didn’t word that as well as I could have. I still like the idea of having the option to get a factory refurbished unit over a new one. If there were an option, I would go refurbished over

75 mph in one of those old busses would be a bit frightening...