I don’t know if I want to know where this joke came from... I think I have an idea. Am I thinking correctly?
I don’t know if I want to know where this joke came from... I think I have an idea. Am I thinking correctly?
For religious pedal arrangements, can we get slight differences for sects? I want a Methodist’s pedals to be very similar but just different enough from a Lutheran’s.
I really need an old Unimog in my life. The 66 km/h top speed is a little rough but the crawl ratios are amazing. The only thing I don’t get is the furthest left lever. I have no idea what the little symbols are supposed to mean.
You have to push the lever down to go into reverse. VW’s have the same thing. Real confusing if you’re not expecting it. A girl I went to highschool with went to pick up a VW she bought and couldn’t get into reverse so her boyfriend put it in N and they pushed it backwards then drove out.
Chill out, buddy.
Nah, some other guy named Sebastien will show up and immediately dominate. It’s how Rally works.
I think the Trax with its snort nose and stout proportions is like a bulldog, some people think they are cute the rest think they are ugly.
I loved my S10 pickup. It made it well past 200,000 miles but by the end was more rust than steel.
Agreed. I think they need to design the propulsion system around the electric motor. A ducted fan should be much more efficient than a prop.
Now if it was an electric blimp, you may get stuck in the sky.
Many moons ago I was working landscaping and somebody hit one of our trucks so we got a fully loaded GMC rental (around 2005ish). There was no better feeling than after a long day, turning on the AC and the heated seat. Felt amazing on a tired back.
Yeah my commute is 30 km (~20 mi) each way so an EV would work for me. I would prefer a plug in hybrid to an EV though. I could cut my gas consumption to nearly zero but not have to worry about taking a longer trip. The plan is to get some sort of hybrid once the automotive world returns to normal. I am 99% sure that t…
Yeah, manual labour jobs do put a lot of wear on a body. However, sometimes guys are their own worst enemy and lead about as unhealthy a lifestyle as they can.
Yeah. I live in Canada and I thought that heated seats were for weak, soft folks who don’t wear flannel. Then I got a car with heated seats...
Agreed. I went from a VW with heated seats to a Civic without and I missed them dearly. My next car had heated seats.
I rode in one once. It was owned by a typical T-Bird owner, a guy in his 70's. It was a decent car and did what it was meant to do. Young Tom wouldn’t have really wanted one but I do see the value in comfortable cruising.
Ah, I was thinking that they were actively turning people away or trying to limit the number of apprentices. Thanks for the clarification. I do think if I were to do it over, I would be pretty tempted to become an electrician. The great thing is that you can work for a company, or work for yourself and make good money…
The Volt seemed like a decent car, and I am one of those who believes plug in hybrids are a great half-way point on the way to electrification. It is disappointing that they killed it.
It’s funny to see the picture of Jim Farley on his twitter. I always just sort of pictured him as Chris Farley in a suit.
There is a site called Retrobelts.com. I bought some seatbelts for my CJ5 from them.