
They came to my school several years ago before their book was published. They were so friendly and wonderful. I still have my buttons from it! They were really, really great. I wish they had that kind of up-front positive sex talk in middle and high school, or everywhere, in fact.

I used to clean the most when I was living with an ex and we'd fight. He could always tell I was still angry by the clanking of dishes and slamming of cupboards.

OMG I totally had the robot burger toy! That's nuts!

I haven't tried that but I'll certainly look into it! Thanks for the suggestion!

I love Sephora.

I would like girl robot toys if they didn't suck. The Transformers girl robots look hella lame. Would it kill these people to realize some girls like bright electric blue?

I don't know if this is really new. When I was little in the 90s they always had the Barbie ones for girls paired with...I think it was Matchbox cars for boys, but I don't think they were strictly gendered throughout the whole year.

I love the outfits, but what I really want is the models' ripply wavy hair.

Yeah, the washing- I have a lot of hair but it's fine, so I understand hating that. Dry shampoo might help a little bit.

Oh, I sweat, and I get the science behind it. My favorite favorite favorite of favoritest things is an hour on the elliptical on very hilly settings. Bonus: I don't have TV at my house but the gym does, so I come in on an interesting show sometimes I stay later! It's almost a reward. Yay!

Aha, a fellow sufferer. Just out of curiousity, did you get diagnosed later? I didn't get my diagnosis until I was 20. Made so much more sense.

Hurray for good happy feelings!

Hmm. Sounds like my family vacations, except we're usually chained to a card table playing pinochle.

I had a very similar problem because I sprained the ever-living crap out of my foot (not ankle, foot) running out drunk into my yard (which could have been an episode of Good Idea/Bad Idea on Animaniacs) in August. It took forever for it to heal. Maybe when I have insurance again I'll try and get tested for issues

My only explanation for my brother's love of Winter is that when he's good he's "makeout kitty" and nuzzles up in your face and is super cute. That and he had a troubled childhood living out of dumpsters before being rescued.

Anybody exercise to help their mental state as well as bodily fitness? I find that wearing myself out physically helps me a lot with anxiety/depression issues. An hour of elliptical makes me too tired to freak out and worry and also helps me fall asleep at a reasonable not 4am hour. But I don't really *love* getting

My cat acts like a dog. Best kitty ever. The only thing I had to do was get kiddie locks for the cabinets because he's smart enough to open them.

Jamie McCartney is the artist, the work is The Great Wall of Vagina. You can watch a "making of" on youtube or vimeo.

I love this movie!

She is a great writer.