“I think if you look to Chicago, where you had over 4,000 victims of gun-related crimes last year, they have the strictest gun laws in the country. That certainly hasn’t helped there.”
I wish I could give you one star for your comment and one for your name.
So many white New Balance.
“I mean, he starred in a delightful movie about huntin’ Nazis, for Pete’s sake.”
What I find amazing is that she had folks falling over her left and right trying to make her a pop star a la “a Fergie, Gwen Stefani or Britney Spears”, and she *still* insisted on trying to rap - trying to use a style that demands a cultural connection she did not appreciate and did not bother with. Christ, *ICP* is…
It’s my wish for every racist.
I hope they say it around the wrong people and get totally wrecked.
I’ve seen it happen here in Brazil. This old rich woman called an waitress “monkey”, the girl turned around and kicked her straight on her chest and she fell backwards on her chair like the sack of shit she is.
I’m pretty sure being surrounded by people saying racial slurs has never once made me want to say a racial slur.
Sorry other folks aren’t as accepting of your hero’s casual racism.
“It was something that I said in the heat of the moment. I said the worst word I could possibly think of, and it just sort of slipped out. I’m not going to make any excuses for why it did”
Can we please stop covering this shithead now?
Dude, sometimes it is okay to say “Interesting... I didn’t look at it that way.”
I mean, that’s kind of true. However much of the racism we see in the world today is a product of white colonialism. Preference for lighter skinned people in Asia, Africa, Central and Southern America have direct ties to the influence of European influences as they colonized those places.
well said. I also think that too many white people are isolated from this kind of feedback, so when they hear it they freak out. If you, a white person, actually have deep relationships with people of color, you will be familiar with such sentiments and understand what is actually being said and not personalize it. Or…
I have nothing to add except maybe this will make everyone feel better, at least if you’re as petty as I am? Before you feel too bad, remember Piers Morgan is Daily Fail’s premiere Trump apologist/resident scumbag.
Indian wells will provide the best stateside experience. Get a grounds pass and work your way around the grounds from court to court. Watch men’s doubles. A great sporting experience.
Plus you can talk all the shit you want about him, it’s not like he can read the comments.