
Because Publishers (Take Two Interactive, in this case). Developers have no say on this stuff. Publishers (the one’s putting up the money) prod incessantly for a dev team to commit to a binary release date in order to give the marketing and PR wings some landing strip for promotional blowout, to generate interest from

You could tell the flash player was just waiting. Kept crouching for no reason and then low and behold, suddenly​ knows all the advanced combos and supers? Shenanigans, plain and simple. If it wasn’t staged then it was a hustle. Like the episode of Fresh prince where Uncle Phil destroys that guy playing pool.

They don’t. I mean, he didn’t throw overt racist shit into the Cthulhu mythos or anything. But he was a really racist guy.

Always, bruh. DIALLED TO 11!

Every professional they hired, and who subsequently quit, knew exactly how it was going to go down. I guess the people who came up with this whole idea are experiential learners and only learned their lesson after everything the pros told them would happen did happen. Why on earth would you listen to professionals

I’m real glad I’m not the only one that was left hoping she kills everyone.

I feel like this movie is only going to be funny if it ends in her killing them all.

No need to pit them against each other, rather.

Yeah, the Bioware social forums were lit up something fierce for ME2 with people complaining about the simplified skill mechanics, lack of Mako, planet scanning, build-a-team plot instead of save-the-galaxy. And of course there were the usual riff-raff of MRAs complaining that Bioware was pushing a political agenda

What an oddly specific comparison. :)

Nah, the backhand flick at the end is pretty absurd too—rubber wrists. But yes, I wonder if there was some intentional cat-and-mouse here to sap some energy in the home stretch. Look how softly he pushes that forehand down the line, as if daring RBA to do something with it.

Flawed Bioware game = Really good game!

Despite the many flaws I’m having a whale of a time so far. It’s definitely a very rough diamond of a game IMO but still worth it.

Ryder is 22; it’s crazy s/he has so much responsibility thrust upon her.

“Discrimination certainly exists but I do believe it goes all ways,” he said. As evidence of this, Jafari pointed to a sketch by Samantha Bee, where she jokingly blames white people for Trump’s election. “I suppose you could guess the reaction if Samantha Bee said black people ruined America for voting overwhelmingly

Thank you for putting it into words. Self-policing is exactly it. I’m an outspoken person but in certain situations I catch myself...well, catching myself! Being less me, holding back on certain responses, just so I can seem safer for those who are likely already just uncomfortable by my presence and are primed to

I get that, but it still doesn’t make me feel any better. Republicans are a part of this country. And 100% of them are either ignorant or malevolent. (Or both.) No intelligent and good person is a Republican, Obi Wan quote be damned.

This is so deliciously good.

Our current government is the “Highlander 2: The Quickening” of U.S. governments....low budget....shitty soft core boobs.....and Sean Connery spliced in to make everything feel somewhat coherent.

This was great. You know why? Because, for all of 2 minutes, I wasn’t thinking about the next four years.