
She's not the breakout star - she's the only cast member who's magazine cover worthy according to the fashion biz (i.e. she fits the samples) Lena is an anomaly but they do close up shots of her.

Won't there ever come a day when the faux outrage machine of the Right cries wolf once too often?

I am shocked that this hasn't been posted. Everything you ever needed to know about

The AK-47/74 is the McDonald's of modern firearms - prove me wrong.

Woo boy, you really had to take some time out of your cross-burning, sibling-effing day to write this one. Good on you.

dat screenname....
(bites lip)

Rebel Wilson should also try to make a pact to try to be funny. Cause yikes, Super Fun Night.

alternate title: how to be a dick at a party by creating a startling noise (while possibly killing the host's parakeet) and making the soda flat.

Wrap bottle/can in a wet paper towel and stick in freezer.

Sadly nails my feelings exactly. I'd much rather that instead of taking the time to put out Suicide Squad, Booster Gold and JL Dark in a year, just get one decent Wonder Woman script off the ground and into a good movie.

Please, African American monolith.


Surely you'll receive some flack for disparaging Wrath of Khan, but I'm with you. The only good bit of the film is the final naval battle at the end. Otherwise it's turgid dreck

I continue to obsess over this. And here's the thing I keep coming back to:

Both are shit tons more quiet than my R9 290X video card. A harrier is more quiet than it.! Your screen name is FANTASTIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Going to throw Nowhere Men Volume 1: Fates Worse Than Death out there.