“You think the effects are bad”? Really? The $100M the biggest, most successful movie studio in the industry spent on state-of-the-art computer generated images didn’t do it for you? Oh, fuck off.
“You think the effects are bad”? Really? The $100M the biggest, most successful movie studio in the industry spent on state-of-the-art computer generated images didn’t do it for you? Oh, fuck off.
Netflix’ version of “Lost in Space” is beautiful garbage.
Why is she asking this question? What answer was she expecting from Lebron? “Oh, word? Looks like the Spurs aren’t the only thing about to get buried, amirite?” Shut up and watch guys dribble. /sarcasm
What’s interesting to me is the cultural programming we’re all suseptible to. I clicked on this article to remind myself why trying to reason with people is a waste of time and I was struck by the header image and title of this piece.
We meet Marion Ravenwood in Tibet drinking men twice her size under the table in a bar that she owns? Hello? Why isn’t there a franchise based on her character’s exploits?
She gon be mad than a mug in three years. Two and a half with good behavior.
Others on this thread have said it far more succinctly but, root causes: women are objectified such that an inordinate number of girls grow up invested in the notion that their worth is inseparable from their ability to attract the attention of men, preferably men with status. It goes without saying that men shouldn’t…
tl;dr girls with computers also know that guys like titties?
I like how many white people on this thread are refusing to learn from this “teachable moment”.
Or you could just not be an asshole and refrain from saying the word “nigger”. Have you tried that?
No one is saying don’t listen to shitty music made by serial abusers. Knock yourselves out but what’s stopping these Becky’s from singing everything but the word “nigger”? The one word that historically has preceded the murder of a random black person. Why is exhibiting a fleeting moment of self-awareness a bridge too…
You and your “she’s no angel” can fuck right on off. No disrespect.
Why do all these 20-somethings look 30-something?
I for one am shocked to hear there is gambling in this casino.
I think at this point it’s all the FX crew that Greg Nicitero brought in with him when he became a producer. They don’t have to know how to write just evicerate... the English language. HA! Walker burn.
We don’t care that people die in shootings. We care that so many people die in mass shootings. If Bubby Jean gets angry and kills his cousin for sleeping with his other cousin so be it. Kids walking into home room with the firepower of a SWAT unit is a problem we can address. Don’t be obtuse.
If that were the case why wouldn’t NBC, the media outlet with infinitely broader reach than this website, not use it’s massive platform to bandwagon on the hottest trending topic, #metoo, for the purpose of generating more ad revenue? Maybe the men in the boardrooms valued their rose-eyed, Hollywood redemption…
He should be accountable for his behavior regardless of whether or not he won.
If he’d done that why would she bring it up? If she’d been given the opportunity to heal and move on why is it so easy for you to believe she wouldn’t but instead stop her life to attack a multiple Gold medal winning endorsement machine? Grow up, dude.
The end game is getting men to stop acting like women are suffering from some mass delusion and refusing to accept disgusting behavior as “just the way it is”. And looking for an “end game” by which I guess you mean a point after which men can stop being accountable for their actions?