
I’m going to need you to Kinja better than that, m’kay?

She’s actually not talking about racial violence. The context of her comments addressed the violence in Charlottesville but in her post  she’s just talking about white people, yes, all of them, being socialized to be racist.

Then you’re misreading her quote because it doesn’t say what you’re saying it says. She didn’t backpedal. She’s not wrong. You wanting it to be otherwise doesn’t change that.

I’m just here for the “everybody was kung-fu fighting” jokes.

Good read. ETA:

You’re being defensive. I get it. But it’s worth nothing that, as a matter of history, much of the racism and bigotry you point to in “the middle east, in the Asian world, in Africa and in South America” has its roots in Europeann colonialism. White people may not have invented racial persecution but you damn sure

And there’s your internal bias finding itself a spot in the sun.

“Honestly I don’t have energy to talk about the racial violence of white people any more. Yes ALL white people.

That tells you all you need to know about L’Oreal and by extension most white people’s committment to anti-racism.

I’m a fan of jazz. I’m not a fan of white people’s idea of what jazz is.

What do we think of the phenomenon of K-pop star factories with their essentially compulsory plastic surgery? I mean, if you want to be famous and you’re not particularly talented, then thinning your nose or amping the boobs or “tidying up” around the jowls or whatever may be necessary and it’s up to the person. I do

What I find tragic is the all the parasites milling around red carpets and back stage herding celebrities like cattle, smiling their fake smiles and sucking them dry one after the other. Yeah, yeah, they’re only doing their jobs but this culture of celebrity is just gross. “Right this way,  Ms. So and So. We are just

Great question. The answer to which is, like all things in America, white supremacy.

You should get as much as possible during the negotiation. You can’t hop up after signing on the line which is dotted and say, “Wait, I want more money.” That’s on her reps for lowballing the client, i.e. the opposite of negotiating.

That’s some shit you’d never hear an ugly bitch say.

Rich people give no more thought to you or I than we do to the microbes in our food. Everything: taxes, dry cleaning, staff salary, new jet, everything is a petty inconvenience, a distraction from the daily routine of their lives. The amounts are meaningless abstractions.

I had no idea who this was, or rather I could not physically distinguish her from his last wife, but now I know exactly who she is: a rich cunt.

I take more issue with the use of stock location footage for Dubai and her filming her performance on an obvious sound stage in New Jersey.

Right? Nigga, I watched Frasier. I know what satire is.

How about beating the brakes off these bamas? Why is no one advocating for that? I mean, scientifically speaking, we can’t rule it out absent any evidence of efficacy. js