Repeatedly punch a virtual woman in the face? Fine.
Repeatedly punch a virtual woman in the face? Fine.
I want him to win every time he plays.
What IS that? Fed always looks like he’s been sitting in an air conditioned green room at a publicity shoot - after playing a Grand Slam Final
Ask a person who can’t afford to buy food about films about eating disorders.
*kills black person because they’re black
If there’s anyone who can be forgiven for not being willing/able to conform the the norms of monogamous relationships it’s a, to put it charitably, unconventional-looking former drug dealer who, through grit, talent and inordinate luck, transformed himself into one of the most important media…
You know what? The world is spiraling down the drain. Sleepwalk your way to another $30M I ain’t even mad. He’s been uniformly great in the role and I can’t be arsed to meet a new Bond at this point.
Kim and Park were certainly bigger TV stars than Caan and what’s his face. They should have been paid more than them from the start.
Ain’t not slavery like American slavery cuz American slavery don’t stop!
Bruh. Read Bury my Heart at Wounded Knee. White people massacred indigenous men, women and children to take the land they’d already promised they didn’t have a right to. You think that happened like once? The disease that killed the most indigenous people is called Europeans.
“Colonization never once seeks to ram down your throat the common story-telling thread that the British are en evil imperial force, the Americans a hardy band of freedom-loving individualists fighting for their rights. That one side were the bad guys, the other, the good guys. Which is great, because history is…
Kids would know not to play with fireworks. You’re a grown ass man, dog. The PSA should be “Keep idiots away from fireworks”
I saw feud and TX speedway coupled with the fact that this wasn’t a publicized story and assumed, wrongly, it involved white people.
Black person writes a tweet about confederate monuments and BLM is a terrorist organization. A bunch of white people riot at a public family event and crickets from the press. Typical.
Meh. A game playing without crashing, which ME:A does not do is not an accomplishment. EA doesn’t get props for shipping a mostly finished game. They cut a bunch of corners and it showed. People, myself included, dropping $60+ for the promise of a step up from the previous high quality product only to get ME:A…
I think he’s just dumb. He’s been that longer than anything else in his life. He’s what happens when you take a human brain and actively work at not developing it.