It’s always fucking another dude. Always.
It’s always fucking another dude. Always.
No Mary? You can fuck right off.
They must have uglied her up a bit. I ran into her coming out of the gym once and she was blazing hot.
“Hey, lets all gawk at the horrible old racist white man.” Meh.
Both excellent at plumbing the unique depths of their characters and settings.
ME2 is probably the only video game I have never complained about. I’ve replayed at least 10 times and I look back on it fondly often. People will hate on anything I reckon.
I was talking to Jaal and Liam and Jaal was standing inside of another Jaal facing a different direction. Ghost characters. Phantom staircases. Incapacitated squadmates delivering dialogue. ME:A is like a Lamborghini Gallado with the windshield missing and the seats covered in old cardboard.
I still read the comics. Glenn’s death was devastating but now so much other insane shit has happened I’m kind of past it and I’ve enjoyed the comics far more than anything I’ve seen on the show since they left Atlanta last season. TEHO, I guess.
OMG, that’s what it is. FemShep was such a pro and SheRyder sounds like a goddamn co-ed interning at Seventeen Magazine.
Their ignorance isn’t in the “back rooms”. It’s in the Oval Office. Silence in the face of bigotry is consent. Bad ideas should be drug into the street and throttled. Metaphorically speaking.
“I said lots of stuff that could be misconstrued in all sorts of ways,” said Jafari.”
Is that how it works for the big boys? Appearance fee on top of any tournament winnings?
Undiagnosed mental disorders. That’s got to be what’s going on with this guy, right? Or he’s on some next level reverse “Get Out” steez.
“We’ve all done the same exact forced chuckle, side smirk and “yeah..”. His microexpressions were so perfect.”
Real talk: Why is this not called “Little White Liars”?
It’s art, dude. Stop trying to science it. Nobody has to like it, but everybody has to be honest about it. Art is it’s own purpose which is to connect with the thing that’s in all of us. No one can say what art is, just that it is.
The purpose of art is to reveal the truth of our common humanity. Failing to do that is abdicating your responsibility as an artist.
Is this a pool photo not from the NSC? What is Kurshner doing in the room?