
“Turning 30 means you got to get your shit together... Mom! Dad! I need 75K to start a bespoke haberdashery pop up/shared work space app. No, I won’t go back and finish that last class at Tisch.”

Howz bout you don’t raise your daughters to be bigoted whores who have to go bible camp to keep from blowing the cross country team?

ABC Entertainment President’s Boss: “Do we have to be so black?”


Dirtbags always throw up a smokescreen when they get called out on their BS. What does her gender have to do with her actively working against the wishes of her employer?

Steady whining about Affirmative Action and “quotas” and taking cases to the SCOTUS because teh blacks am no qualifications. Steady overlooking talented black people in favor of mediocre white men. And this bama is filling Cabinet posts like the Jaguars pick quarterbacks.

The one guy just said the military is full of Yes, Sgt Major! types outta cowpunch county. Plant shut down and too dumb to be a cop? Welcome aboard, soldier. Doesn’t mean they’re bad people. Doesn’t diminish their physical courage or technical skill but, by and large, if they were smart they would be in the Air Force

“Great stadium! Wait, I have to move MY FAMILY? This is an outrage!”

Illegal to trade on non-public information. That’s US law I’m sure the French have similar prohibitions. You can sell it but not at the precise time you know it’s value will be affected one way or another in a manner the average person would have no way of knowing.

Voting an unqualified conman with zero legislative experience to literally the most important political office in the world? Nothing stupid about that.

Are we sure though?

Of course, he went to Hill. That explains so much.

All the shit Black Beiber did on the episode was stuff Beiber actually did. He’s not violent. He’s just an asshole.

You out yo cot damn mind. Atlanta is so good other every network comedy showrunner should quit writing for television and go to culinary school.

The relevant parties will reconcile terms on the value of their work upon the resolution of the strike.

I in no way diminished the contributions of anyone on a given dev team. You’re saying VO actors aren’t a big deal. It’s possibly make a game without human characters or dialogue but that’s not the point.

You’re making a personal value judgement. It’s like me saying the memory allocation was a small part of my gameplay experience so the programmers don’t deserve to be compensated as much as the concept artists. YOU don’t think VA is significant but, FWIW, FemShep exists because Jennifer Hale gave a better vocal

VO actors aren’t asking for compensation comensurate with above the line film talent. They’re asking for compensation that reflects the work they’re being asked to do in relation to the success of the project they contributed significantly to. If it doesn’t sell 2M units they don’t get anything extra. They get their

Andrew Ryan would be proud. Performers are being actively deceived by publishers. Sometimes for valid business reasons but mostly so they don’t have to pay anyone other than Nolan North a living wage for their latest multiplatform franchise entry set to hit the shelves of every Wal-Mart in the country. Take Superman,