There are two series I really like and recommend to people who don't watch or don't like anime:
There are two series I really like and recommend to people who don't watch or don't like anime:
I really like the pose this guy is striking. He gives off a distinctively “insolent but cool” vibe. Nice colors here as well. They really pop.
This one gives me inexplicable cravings for a new Bladerunner game.
I've spent an embarrassing amount of time on that site ...
Much like the German language, this website has words that encapsulate real feelings I never knew could be contained in a few syllables:
Praise is nice, but criticism induces drive. There is no art without the artist and there is no artist without the critic or the critic's judgment. And the latter is inevitable.
"Commissioned by a local knight," "one of many 'devil's bridges,'" "you can't actually cross it."
Nihil sub sole novum, man.
Lordy, I remember having sex-ed classes in elementary school. I can still remember the trauma like yesterday. Ah, memories.
Was hoping for a mention of CM. Was not disappointed. He was both sympathetic and so terribly creepy in that episode.
I'm not sure how you concluded that was my point.
Bananas and oranges, you say?
Maybe a doctor as well?
The modern bra hasn't been around very long, no — although it seems that something people these days might recognize had existed before it was "invented" — but supportive garments for women have been around for a very long time. Some were (and are) more restrictive than others, most notoriously (and perhaps…
Both would explain a lot.
The quality does take wild swings, but I fully committed to this show when they had "tracking" snake last week. It's too terrible not to love.
I get the point you're going for here, but "it's just fiction" is one of the poorest defenses a work of fiction can have. Fiction can reflect, reinforce, and even invent societal attitudes and stereotypes.
Ah, yes, science. I'm guessing you're getting this information from that French study done a couple years back? Well, thankfully, one study does not make a definitive conclusion. There is evidence that suggests (or even concludes) that breast and bodily pain from said breasts is real (a few seconds with a search…
If I have to imagine queer and trans* back-stories for characters that are the equivalent of background tabula rasas, that's probably a good sign that the creator(s) of a work aren't exactly big on representation.
Fiction can have an impact on real life.