
Uh, did you actually watch Good Hair?

I love thinly disguised condescension and the veiled remarks to race, such as:

Right? I am not fond of this kid's sass at the moment, but it will serve her well as she grows up Asian in America.

*when the media started paying attention to epidemic of police violence,

Yeah cover up that sinful flesh.


He's dead. What more could you possibly want?

This is perhaps not the best place or time for it, but can I say how much I dislike the idea of “preferred” names or pronouns? My name is my name. My pronouns are my pronouns. I demand them, I don't prefer them, and if you use the wrong ones, we will have a problem.

*listens to Bargainville in its entirety while crying softly*

Michigan apparently has a form of indeterminate sentencing where the legislature sets a maximum sentence and a judge sets a minimum sentence. When the convicted person reaches the minimum sentence he’s allowed to go in front of a parole board to ask for release on parole, but must serve at least the minimum.

Not to mention, disciplining your child for having inappropriate boundaries about their body by assaulting their body is fucked up on so many levels.

I’m pretty sure the official Canadian parental response to a sexting teenager is to sit them down and ask them what Sir Wilfrid Laurier would do. And then maybe forbid them from eating Kraft Dinner and ketchup chips for—oh, at least a week.

we don’t spank our kid but, yeah, if you’re bringing objects into it, it’s a whole ‘nother ball game.

spanked their 14-year-old daughter with a hockey stick and a jump rope

My bestie's son is named Aiden, and he was born in 2010. I must have been out of the baby loop (or maybe it was slower to catch on in the States), because I had no idea it was popular when she had him. Now though...woo boy. Lot's of those running around. She herself has one. of. the. most. common. names. Kind of funny.