
Also note worthy: Hannibal Buress, the comedian who re-ignited the Cosby allegations a few months ago, was a writer, and frequent bit actor on the show.

I believe it. The thing about 30 Rock is a lot of the jokes have an absurd number of layers, and the show's never been shy about sacred cows. Few sitcoms would have the balls to make their main character racist, let alone make it a running joke.

They really do. I knew someone about that time who named their baby Sophia and that was the first person I'd ever met with the name (and I'd just spent the last 5 years learning the names of about 100 kindergarteners a year). I named my son Liam in 2009 and I thought I was fine for the same reason (although it was 800

I'm constantly relieved to see neither of my girls names on any of these lists. I've also never met any other people with their names, young or old. I would also like to say they're not weird names, just old.

Is it terrible I immediately clicked to make sure my son's name didn't make the cut?

Yeah, I have to disagree and say I do see a lot of judgment from cry-it-outers who say that the co-sleepers and attachment types are "ruining their children" which also doesn't seem very fair.

Yeah, I figured the cry it outers or co-sleepers wont affect me because, shit, I wont be sleeping with them or sharing a bed with their kid. If that's your thang more power to you.

One thing kind of bothered me...I was hoping we'd see Carol's reaction to Beth when she woke up. Instead, she just wakes up, it cuts away, and when next we see her she's in a wheelchair, and we don't really see any kind of reaction from her. Seeing as Carol has quickly become my favorite character on the show

I cried, however I was SUPER glad we got through a full season without more singing.

Carol was moving fairly well after having been in two serious car accidents back-to-back. Supports up my assumption that she is a highlander.

That look in Beth's eyes was kinda chilling

I didn't cry when Beth died because I had been pretty sure she was the one that was getting offed this episode. I almost lost it when watching Daryl carry her out because I cannot handle men crying, especially not Daryl's sad broken little boy puppy face.

I was so pissed off at Gabriel. I mean, I'm glad he understands just how awful the Terminus people were, and that our band of surviviors are actually righteous. But, geez, he led all those walkers back to the church and ruined a safe sanctuary. Idiot.

I have broken not one, but three wine glasses in my tub. Each time, I fished out the pieces and continued my bath—which then included the spilled wine—feeling like motherfucking Dionysus. Team Tub Drinking forever.

I totally out-indifferent my roommate's cat. When my roommate is gone, it will freak out and start begging for my attention. I count it as a win for humanity.

You should come to my house and eat cheeses with me.

I'm pretty sure this would work on me at 34. YES to cheese, sir. YES to robots.

It's probably my fault and I'm not sorry. Whatever bourbon is left, I will do my best to get rid of most of it tonight.

I don't know what this means but I starred it because I like Schmidts' face and hat in that pic.

No, you can only like one Deschanel and I picked Emily. I do not watch New Girl.