Yeah, that made it pretty clear.
Yeah, that made it pretty clear.
This reminds me of the time, when I was six, that I ate glue. In my memory it was glue that accidentally got on my fingers and I was just cleaning it off, but who knows? Kids eat glue. Anyway, this happened at a party at my house, where an older child was looking after all of us little ones, and she told me not to eat…
Sure I'll be lost in grey, but here goes. I was a champion sleepwalker and vivid dreamer as a kid. There were numerous times when I sleep walked and had entire conversations with my parents, or house guests, or was found asleep in another part of the house, but one incident in particular stands out.
I have 2 close, long term friends with whom I've semi-joked that we'll just set up house together later in life. I'm fully planning to Golden Girls my retirement age, should I find myself widowed or otherwise unwed.
I think I get this. I have been in my relationship for over 20 years, married for nearly 16, and I love him and the family and life we've built together. He is a naturally monogamous kind of person and I'm not, and that has been a real challenge, but we've worked through it and I definitely think it is worth it. We…
That's awesome! Mine is "All-Peruvian" :)
People ask us that, too - our dog's mother was a street rescue of indeterminate breed who was already pregnant, so there's no sense of what the sire was. There are a lot of street dogs where we live, many of them going back several generations, so it would be silly to try to sort out what her "breed" is!
HA! Awesome reference. And also a perfect excuse for me to listen to this song.
I was shocked, especially because the school our kids were at was supposed to be nut and peanut free, and because there were lots of other kids in the school with serious allergies. It was mainly the fault of the secretary - the cookie incident happened at recess, and my son went straight to the office. She was also…
It's not always easy, that's for sure. Interestingly, just having the auto injector seems to make some people take it more seriously. That said, the last time my kid was in hospital because someone fed him something with nuts in it (a kid at school gave him a cookie that he said didn't have nuts, but it did), the…
My son has been explaining "peanuts are legumes" to people since he was 4 or 5. People don't understand how he can have a life-threatening allergy to tree nuts, but also eat peanut butter by the gallon.
Oh, god. We were camping with friends, one of whom is a doctor who knows my kid has a life-threatening nut allergy. While I was still sleeping in the tent, she made french toast with bread she'd brought from home. When he started reacting, she was frantically searching the syrup ingredient list, the milk she'd used...…
That's interesting - I was all set to come in here and complain about how people like this woman give "real" allergy sufferers a bad name, and risk making people think a serious allergy isn't real (my son has an extreme, life-threatening, carries-auto-injector-everywhere allergy to most tree nuts). But I wasn't even…
So impressed with Bell right now!
Well, hell. I was in the dark about that. I loved him in The Office and have had a huge soft spot for him ever since, but. Yuck. Damn.
He's one of the few actors who seems to actually be better spoken IRL than even in the roles he plays.
"...and since I am over the age of 25 and have borne children, I am showcasing the only non-midriff-baring garment in the collection."
Yes. The word "cafe" simply means coffee. Espresso is a kind of coffee, and drip coffee is a kind of coffee. The people who are going on about how you'd end up with a totally different drink if you made a "coffee latte" are assuming you'd make it with drip rather than espresso.
I'm with you. Someone down thread said "you can have coffee or a latte, but not both in the same drink", and I was about to say, "well, actually ..." when I realized that I would wind up being told by someone fancying themselves a coffee snob that "espresso" and "coffee" are totally different things.