To quote my younger brother: "why do you rock so hard?"
To quote my younger brother: "why do you rock so hard?"
It is an eco-lodge. I think my dad will be fine - he's gotten the green light from 2 doctors - but he'll be slow and he'll be opting out of activities. and he may be complaining about his health. And that will spur my mother into complaining about how she wishes she'd taken the trip without him. So I think my worry is…
I am trying to be excited about the trip to the jungle I am taking tomorrow with my husband, kids aged 9 and 11, and my parents - my dad's feeling unwell but coming on the trip anyway. The place we're staying for the week is a 3 hour boat ride away from the base city. I'm trying to be excited, but am mostly anxious…
I had an epidural with the first after a bazillion hours of labour without a whole lot of progress. The actual birth was painless and the epidural felt like THE BEST THING EVER - but they had to catheterize me, which resulted in a UTI in the first week after he was born, and I had the allergic reaction from hell to…
Arequipa! The blow is in reference to the late night with the open bar - it was probably a good plan to eat a bit and have some coffee ahead of time, but I was still pretty hungover today.
This ought to be a complete answer to anyone saying they don't get why people find him attractive. I mean, I used to be one of those people, because all I'd seen him in were Atonement and Starter for 10. But he is so clearly hot here.
Getting ready to go to a massive work party of my husband's in honour of Peruvian independence day (which isn't actually until the 28th). There will be a very late dinner - and an open bar. So right now I'm eating tortilla chips with cheese and drinking coffee in an attempt to cushion the inevitable blow.
I'm not actually a Costco member, but when I'm visiting people who shop there I am always impressed by the Kirkland coffee.
I am big picture lucky. Lots of privilege, happy family, content life, enough money, amazing friends. Some weirdness and badness and lasting trauma, but nothing beyond the pale.
Love this story.
I just stumbled across this and even though it's a bit late, thought I might add my story. My eldest boy has always been very aware of his penis. He was handling it - a lot - before he was a year old. I asked a pediatrician about it, and his response was basically, "some kids figure out earlier than others that it…
I'm not sure it's worth entering as a contestant in this pissing contest, but I made it through a full year as an exchange student/wanderer between the ages of 17 and 18 in Brazil in the early 90s, getting in cars and drinking and partying with strange men, staying in dodgy hostels, and was not once drugged or taken…
31, when I went back to university as the mother of young kids, and realized I truly gave zero fucks what the people 10 years younger than me thought of me and my life.
The first week of my first year of law school (over 30, married, with kids) some bright young thing with an Ivy League undergraduate degree tried to concern troll me about the amount of time I'd be spending away from my kids. He said, "it's really great that you are going back to school, but don't you worry about…
I remember the first time I heard about a wedding to which children were not invited, and I was aghast. Now I have 2 kids and I sometimes enjoy a party with no kids present!
I'm 38, and right there with you. Although last night I drank 3/4 of a bottle of wine over the course of the evening - husband drank the other quarter - and then I decided to finish off the less-than-a-shot of whiskey remaining in 2 different bottles of whiskey. So, probably had somewhere between a single and a double…
I like your attention to detail. I was coming here to say "cool but impractical vulvayak," which, now that I have typed it out, makes it look like I'm talking about yak genitalia.
Yeah, I'm 38 and after reading that I no longer feel old - just old-looking :(
The year: 1992. The scene: with my boyfriend in my friend's bedroom at his (the friend's) parents' NYE party. The preferred snack of the evening: my friend's dad's famous hot wings. Hot wings: NATURE'S COCK BLOCKERS.