
DX12 doesn’t need new graphics cards. (Only some eye candy bits need new hardware the important API changes which will enable better games in general are going to be backwards compatible with most cards on both AMD/Nvidia lines)

Draw call overhead reduction is the “technical” reason gameplay will/can change for the better.

No problem.

Sorry as fun as this was I've thought up of a idea for the Germanwings situation that I will be attending to and spreading so this discussion will be left as is for others to read.

I never said initial results are enough; I said that initial results are looking like CRISPR might work. Out of curiosity, do you know why the CRISPR experts aren't recommending it for IVF? Is it an inherent issue in the procedure, or just more of the "Wait and make sure it's tested before using" caution?

Ctrl-F "trust"...

That is why people should be very careful when altering genes that are associated with the brain as it can be even harder than sickle cell traits to figure out if something associated with say autism or insanity actually is just a gene that makes you smart in some aspect. By getting rid of many genes to reduce mental

Indeed, but it is entertaining to see a person wriggle and writhe through their own lies.

Did you fail your reading comprehension? I said that I wasn't using it to try and shout down other people's opinions, and to the best of my knowledge I wasn't.

Well, that's what the trials are for; to show if the technique works and works reliably or not. But unless

I'm using sexual reproduction as an example of why I feel you are hyperbolizing the risk involved in heritable gene therapy. Sexual reproduction is messy as hell, and has a pretty iffy success rate, and yet you're refusing to acknowledge that deletion of a single gene with precise methods is drastically better than

I wasn't. I didn't even bring our backgrounds into this until you started spouting off demanding my publication history. I refer to myself as a research scientist because otherwise folks like yourself seem to get the impression I'm speaking out of my ass, and I don't believe I've used it to shout down anyone else's

Drugs and chemo taken while pregnant isn't what Anon was talking about; He was referring to treatments taken that induce epigenetic changes, that then get passed on when the mother becomes pregnant. We've only relatively recently become aware of the importance and impact of epigenetics, and safety testing for

Gee, thanks asshat. You know, devoting over a decade of my life thus far to get into the field I've been aiming for since high school was just for shiggles, and I'm so glad you managed to point that out for me. Certainly holding a lab manager position in a genetics lab at a top research university in no way makes me a

PGD is part of IVF and is by definition IVF genetic screening. And because it is a cell based test you can do any genetic study you want not just on one gene. You can even do whole genome sequencing as well as array tests to check for known markers/risk factors/...

Are you triple posting?

IVF genetic screening is PGD it just makes it easier for people to understand what it is as many are familiar with the term IVF but PGD is part of an IVF process.

Also his aim was to just to destructively extract the contents of the cell not carefully insert stuff so far less precision is required.

Well when you use the robot arm your just dividing your arm motions down by factor so it still requires very good dexterity. Doing it by hand is just like turning the difficulty to extreme. Just because he did it at the start I doubt his results were consistent enough as it was just a stopgap before the robot arm

You really want to compare a live saving technique which encompasses an entire field of study that will revolutionize medicine to a single not very medically relevant drug.