
I mean, I agree with you to some extent—that sometimes things are taken over the top. But especially in the looks department, women (and men, but less so) are CONSTANTLY being told they don't look good enough and that they need to change. Honestly, it's super exhausting and defeating. So I guess if you have the

But those types of people make for the best train wreck reality show personalities.

Seriously. Nothing gives a douchecanoe more satisfaction than being rewarded for bad behavior. Also, isn't he supposed to be serving time?

Oh, it was... it was good. They’re kind of... religious, Ann’s parents, so it was... yeah, it was just kind of...


+1 Anne

Yeah. When I read that quote, I had to wonder if what he enjoyed wasn't "dominance" as much as "she's not into it, so it feels deviant." Many women liked their hair tugged and having a dominant partner. Many like to play-act resistance. He never ran across one of these?

The only time I have anything that remotely resembles a purse is if I'm carrying a backpack on one shoulder or I have camera equipment. Otherwise, that's what cargo pockets are for.

It's true. I'll add an additional suggestion: change underwear before you go.

Oddly enough, I've carried all of those things in my purse at one point or another.

I think a modern Indiana Jones would have a kindle in there, for referencing ancient texts, obvs. Personally, I'd be sporting damp panties more often if more men dressed like him, but I wouldn't be happy with my son playing with revolvers or bullwhips. Maybe in a few years. Any priceless idols will be broken.

This depends. Is Indiana Jones' bag a man-purse? Men might want to carry stuff around, too. I feel sorry for my husband when he's caring for my son. My mom-purse is stocked full of stuff for emergencies like treats and things to entertain him.

Why stop at thinking about a sandwich while she talks? George Costanza managed to EAT a sandwich while making love. And watching tv.

With a stranger, that would be creepy. But it actually sounds kinda hot in a we-could-get-caught kind of way, providing I was doing it with someone I actually wanted to do it to. >.>

Fuck that was a good documentary.

It would have been manslaughter.

It's great viewing even if you have zero interest in the military — just to watch how good the instructors are at creating intense psychological pressure.

I watched this with my dad when I was home for Christmas. Even though I'm not normally into that kind of stuff, I thought it was incredibly interesting.

I have to agree with you for the most part. There are a few movies I don't mind Jolie in, but I typically find her acting to be a combination of wooden and trying-too-hard.

I would likely enjoy more female action hero type movies. I absolutely love nerdy/comic book/superhero/action type shit. The problem is, however,