
Before we kick off the Texas bashing lets remember that 80% of the people here oppose this bullshit.

I always feel bad when I see little kids dressed like this.

I wish I was seeing this for the first time.

But why does he have binoculars? Is he out camping?

Now playing

Our foolish meddling with Mother Nature hath wrought a horrifying mistake...

You are welcome, from a Texas man.

"The Seventh Seal"

Nah, you're just another asshole who doesn't know much about movies. Girl robbers! Wee! How original! I'm guessing you are about 20-22...?

"There is no better filmmaker in all of the world."

Because I don't want to see this dumb movie?

Very true.

This is a TV movie or an after school special. At best.

I am trying to think of a more uninteresting group of dickholes to base a movie on. I am really trying hard.

If so then I am doomed to remain sexless.


Just act all enthusiastic and tell the guy you find sex a lot more enjoyable when your genital sores are openly weeping.

Do one then the other.

Did not know that.

That is a rat hat. And a poorly made one at that.

These are manufactured right outside of Houston.