
Pastrami is the most erotic of all the salted and cured meats.

To each his/her own.

I wish there was an easy way to remove the doors from my Tacoma in this hot ass Texas heat.

I like how your brain works.

"Pull out your cock and put her hand on it"

"The paths of Stoli lead but to the grave"

"I respect you too much to do these things that I kind of want to do."

As a frequent bike rider I hate to see anyone get nailed but, fuck me, this guy was asking for it. He got lucky on the first red light he ran so it was just a matter of time.

Or as I like to call it: I can't believe it's not murder.

So what?

So if his buddy had blown his brains out would he have been charged with murder?

So does the new political correctness dictate that the word "rape" only be used to describe an actual penetrative sex crime? Like, is it now forbidden to yell out, in the comfort of my own home, "JESUS CHRIST LEBRON! TONY PARKER JUST RAPED YOU!" ??

Target stores have been "targeting" pregnant women in the US for years.

Yeah, even if the military is not normally a subject of interest this is pretty cool.

I agree.

Now playing

For anyone interested Discovery put out a really good 5 part documentary following a class through BUD/S (Basic Underwater Demolition/SEAL) training. All five parts are on YouTube.

Oh, I have no doubt that a woman will eventually make it but the training is inconceivably difficult.

I hope not.

No instructor at Coronado is going to let someone slip by for PR. You would have a mutiny.

The initial PT test to get into BUD/S is not that difficult.