
It varies in the US. Most companies offer 30 day returns, but with various setbacks like shipping deductions and restocking fees. It’s not the law.

I can confirm, the auto-translate subtitles are indeed brilliant...
“We changing the booking to tell you sorry dude”

Congrats Comrade (stop)

Fetch your soldering stencils and fire up the toaster ovens, boys!

I always get the feeling that Craig signed on to 007 anticipating some Brosnan-esque gadgety fun and got stuck with mountains of super-cereal angst instead.

Did someone say swastika?

North Korea in that situation would claim the sun was in conspiracy with us, and launch anyways.

Of course they are not Lizard people, they are Werewolves. Don’t you watch Doctor Who? ;)

What ToastLover says is correct. Consider this: the outside of the center is black, but when it’s spun it turns white? Why? Because the ‘white’ we’re looking at is actually the slits showing the white interior. It’s moving fast enough that our brain (and the camera) blurs it into one continuous solid space.

Now playing

There’s a tracking shot of Jon near the beginning of the battle that makes the hallway scene from Daredevil look like garbage

I’m pretty sure it’s just because of this meme.

“Report: A Body Has Been Found at Apple Headquarters”

Wouldn’t a pulley and track system work just fine here? Hell, even a few RC cars would be capable of doing this.

One of my favorite facts about Saturn’s rings is that one of its small moons, Daphnis, makes waves in the ring as it orbits.

That’s not a cable knife. THIS is a Cable knife.

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Hum... I think this guy weights more than 134.5 pounds