
This looks like a job for...

Using the lastest image processing software in those holes.

Well, now that I’ve read your comment, it’s only cool.

This is totally cool AND neat.

Aren’t all the technophobes already using iOS?

I’ve been waiting to use this...

In this case, though, the difference is fairly dramatic, and Batterizer has both been straight-out lying about it, and going to great lengths to smear people pointing out their dishonesty.

To be fair, there were Arabic numberals on the clock....

Can we please give Texas back to Mexico. they make the rest of the usa look bad.

They certainly caught up from a form-factor perspective, but are still lagging behind when it comes to OS and functionality side. They should have just made a Macbook with a detachable keyboard/optional soft keyboard.

I would compare this to something like Deus Ex: Human Revolution’s augmentations over the Terminator even though he probably asked for this.

Sure, blame the bugs for the smell. How convenient.

Or better yet, a set of ratcheting wrenches. Yeah you might not be able to get the same torque but sweet baby jesus do they fit into places a regular socket can’t.

So a tech blogger using his phone in portrait mode to film. I give up, all hope is lost..........

Also there’s a slight difference between “You lost the war (you started), we want X billion USD from you to pay for our efforts to defeat you! Oh, btw, you can pay us when you have the money.” and “Can you loan me some money in order to buy SUVs and stuff, since now I only have to pay way lower interest since

Here, I’ll give them the details: Attach gun and servo to quadcopter. Done. This is very very easy to do.

You can’t beat the infinite improbability drive!

Planet Express Ship followed by the Enterprise B.