
Never been too big of a fan of Geralts voice myself, but i can't imagine him having any other voice anymore, it's part of him now after 2 games. As for the other thing, you're just old my friend...

The voice acting kind of ruined it for me.
And the fighting was waay too fast and confusing.

hahah ive watched DK vs IG game 2 with korean casters, it has been a fun 90+ min ride XD

Did someone say Breaking Bad? are telling me if you had 1.4 million dollars on the line — you're gonna try a team fight which you will definitely lose instead of the option to back door...considering you drafted two heroes that have the option of doing it?

It was pretty helpful they made a CG diagram, to explain how to people running at eachother works.

Doom corner combo.

Tina, will you marry me?

AHA! The problem of a paradox existing was the only thing I had an issue with at the ending of Infinite...but this makes more sense and essentially explains it away.

It was, essentially, the universes trying to revert themselves back toa proper system that wouldn't lead to the pinky/anna split.

Brilliant stuff.

I disagree, but I felt this way a little tiny bit while the credits were rolling. "What the hell? That's it? What about all those plot holes?" Well, in retrospect I don't think there actually were any, but the narrative didn't hold your hand through the revelatory process like most mass consumption media does these

The Big Sister fights were lame, that was my big issue.