
Nailed it!

Does this mean the comment system is still bro

I take it back, the sewers do smell. Ended up standing right beside one while I waiting to cross the street, I didn't wait long till I darted across first chance I got.

I tend to notice the worst smells right in front of closed businesses, where there are obvious piss stains, near bus stops, and the dumpster behind Buehler's Market, a local meat market. This isn't to say that the rest of the areas don't smell, maybe I have just gotten used to the stench.

As someone who works in downtown chattanooga, I agree. Maybe it would help if the homeless people stopped pissing on the sidewalk.

100% of your electricity comes from wind? You must tell us how this is accomplished! Do you power the turbines with your smug?

Actually its just an electric blower.

Yeah, there is a slight difference between an electric pump and a turbocharger...