
Why would it be higher? If anything it'll be a bit cheaper thanks to not needing a Windows license

One part of me feels bad for those guys, but the on the other hand when you financially rely entirely on a platform that you no control or input in you're really putting all your eggs in a horribly woven basket.

you can play PC games without Internet....

First world problems.

see, this argument makes no're watching a video while you're launching apps, and you don't want it covered up? Which is EXACTLY what is about to happen one second later once you actually launch the app, and it opens up over top of everything else? Launching is not a multitasking activity. There isn't

Desktop view is worthless? How exactly is it any different from the Desktop in Windows 7? It is literally the same thing, only difference is the start menu was replaced with the start screen.

but you can say that for any job.....

Looks like the servers are wanged.

I'm like, 90% sure that the knowledge part is irrelevant nowadays; PC gaming is more idiotproof than ever.

No bowl. Stick!

Don't hate my gloriousness.

I agree being someone who play Far cry 3 on pc first then seeing the Xbox and PS3 version..calling either or superior to one another is pretty laughable.

PC PC PC PC PC PC #masterrace PC!

I thought the beta was really good. It felt a lot like Guild Wars 2 with good writing, and the character creation was baller.

Unfortunately (for me) I can't justify a subscription anymore. The incentive to maximize playtime/month is an "anxiety trigger" as my therapist would say.

If he was a high school student, he was likely a minor as well. Whatever he signs has no legal bearing in this case - his parents and/or guardians have to sign. Even for an adult, if they're forced to sign under duress, it can be invalidated in court.

Put didn't used to be this strict. Someone I met whomis in their 70s had a shotgun grandfathered in, though the police must have a map of its location. We need these laws here in the US. If you think you need a gun, what you actually need is psychotherapy for yiur paranoia or violent tendencies

Imagine this scenario if you will:

I certainly hope that isn't the case. It'd be a shame if it was shot down because of that Gametrailers guy being a prick.

That might be one of the dumbest complaints about a platformer I've ever heard.

And I will say what I've been saying all along. The Wii U (and its predecessor the Wii) is a perfect choice for a second console. I don't understand why people have both a 360 and a PS3 and not a Wii. The redundancy between the 360 and the PS3 is gross, whereas one buys a Nintendo console for the massive amounts of