
You will see them... as pachislot machines in Japan.

Those arguments are far from relevant in this situation.

Boxes get wet and merchandise gets damaged; this isn’t anything new.


I do and I get that you were poking fun of the notion that ethics exists in a profession devoted to rating consumer goods on a scale of 1-100 (or something to that effect). I freely admit that I was more venting at the first comment I saw that mentioned the word ethics; this issue gets under my skin so much that I

We call it “games journalism” but it’s really just hobbyist/enthusiast press. All of it is written with voice and perspective with the goal of being entertaining and informative about a narrow subsection of popculture.

Yeah, gone are the days when you played Mechwarrior 2 without sound because the game didn’t support your sound card.

This makes sense. I have a feeling—in spite of the surveys that claim to show a trend of people shedding the traditional PC—that PC gaming is going to explode in popularity in the not too distant future.

Honestly, I would’ve preferred they just made the pixel art version (with the GBA translation and added content) available on Steam and mobile devices.

Please provide a link to the purchaseable copy of Metroid Prime that runs in 1080p at 60fps.

While ketchapp sounds like it’s up to shady dealings, this poor guy doesn’t really have a leg to stand on. Game mechanics aren’t copyrightable, and it’s not like the idea was that original to begin with.

The boss fights did suck, but—and I don’t want this to sound as if I’m being a HR appologist—they forced you to actually use the heavy weaponry available in that game... which were really satisfying to use.

Everybody should go get Sin and Punishment Star Successor. One of the best games of last generation that nobody played.

Everybody should go get Sin and Punishment Star Successor. One of the best games of last generation that nobody

Valve should just save face now and scrap the idea. I was skeptical at first, but after seeing this and the numerous other valid points this just seems too fraught with trouble to be worth it.

I don't know how to feel about this. On one hand I've used some mods that were so above and beyond that they should have been compensated for their work (a minority, but still). On the other hand, I wonder how far games like D.o.t.A. or the Stanley Parable would have gone if they weren't free to begin with.

Budget and man-power limitations aside... you’re saying you want a game with realistic senseless murder and destruction?

It’s a reference to a joke that has now become a meme.

Let’s not forget the other numerous benefits of PC gaming.

I am still in awe of how good Assassin’s Creed IV is. A friend of mine was wondering where to jump into the series, like if the he was going to miss an important ongoing narrative or anything, I told him just ignore everything about this series and play ACIV as a standalone game.
