
I’m a Physics teacher.


Stick this straight into my veins....

Met him at a camp I went to years ago when I was in high school. I was a very good shooter, shooting over 40% from 3 (hs line) and right around 90% from the FT line. Meeting him was when I realized I was not in fact a great shooter.

It’s not easy to do what?

Are you having a stroke?

This is the first “Monster Hunter” game I’ve played (I’m 36).

Toledo much better chance than down south.

+1 Sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeit

Education is awful about Jargon. And it’s mostly the paid consultants.

You ever try to fight someone on PCP?

This is incredible. Both of these guys should rake in the cash for this fight.


“I’m supposed to walk you to your room, are you ready?”

Hey Smokboi, smoke a meatloaf and instead of pouring nasty ass ketchup all over it use good BBQ sauce on top of it.

Congrats Drew.

Imagine how stupid you have to be to believe that nobody ever found a fossil before someone used the term “Dinosaur”, which is literally jamming two latin words together that existed thousands of years ago. Like they honestly didn’t exist in reality until someone called them latin for “terrible lizard” but in english.

No shit I coached basketball at Milford for 4 years.