
Perfect for grandmas!


@Stetrain: They PISS ME THE FUCK off. . . I found this HUGE! I mean HUGE, multi cavern cave during my diggings, really far down. The place is literally infested with dark areas and I can never find an end to it, these guys are everywhere along with everything else. . . . I already lost all my inventory in lava and I

@st90ar: Yeah but. . .these people thought about it independently from you. . . and they don't work for them.

Great thanks, if I'm near a open flame I'll know what will blow up in my pants first. . .

Social Network Email is gimmicky. Sure people will use it because it unifys things, but its stupid because its still facebook, and not a whole different system.

HAH! Take that GameStop lady for not believing me when I said there was gonna be another delay, 11/3 my ass!

From the article picture, I was thinking G-Mod was free :( lol. Even though I bought the valve complete pack a few months ago it still would have been nice to get my friends on there.

@EljhHck: Be cause they have never seen one before.

@DanBroChill: I know its kinda corny, but I like a game where everything depends on you lol.

The feelings I get watching this video are the same as when I play minecraft.

Makes me wish the Soviet Union was still formed, he would be snuffed in an instant.

OMG! How novel, a shaved monkey is dancing.

@zads: Why steal my avatar?

That actually looks pretty spot on with Australian looks.

@tselliot: If you paid attention in history class, the ideas and views of both governing party's where the opposite from what they are now.