
Who would get these for their kids... Especially the young ones...

I would have blown chunks out of my rear if I was the person driving that white car lol.

I like medical advancement that you can take with you just in case so you know what to do, instead of panicking and trying to find something.

I think you missed the troll.

"People won't always listen to our cops, so we have decided to come up with a solution, handing out bullet proof vests to the rougher neighboorhoods so when violence does happen, people don't die." LOL What a humorous thought....

If you have EVER delt with a stubborn child, you will know why spanking is effective because they don't listen. BUT its not to be used as a method of constant discipline. I was spanked as a child because well, I was a freaken brat, and I know it was the only way to shock me into shutting up, calming down, or stop what

Why am I looking at a robotic ass?


Looks like wine country. I wonder what the neighbors thought about it, maybe along the lines of "My god the neanderthals are at it again"...

None of my friends will agree to go shirtless or want me to touch them in that manner, nor will I want to do the same. They will think I am a creep.

Lets let law enforcement catch up too. Since I located and retrieved my stolen phone my self through my own means, they didn't do squat and marked me as victim uncooperative when I told them I retrieved it -_-.

Someone died, place went bankrupt and no more water park.

Thats a hilarious thought.

If you cut out the part where she falls and bounces up, it looks like a small town rebelling against an evil warloard wheel chaired criminal.


The 25% are predominantly in the street and you encounter them more often. The 75% are actually normal and have normal routines so you only bump into them in a business or something. Vegas is SHIT, but not shitty like to the point where its unbearable. I am going to be moving out of vegas when i can, but its bearable

I do agree with you on the shadey people part though. Plus the family part, Its so bad to raise a family here no family oriented things. There are exceptions though and about 75% of the people I've encountered have been good natured.

Yup. My standards are pretty high, I lived most of my middle school days and almost a year of my high school days in summerland, but really I've lived around the whole city basically except for north town (screw that), and everywhere its generally pretty nice. Some places are just ugly is all, but still good in

What are you talking about? The east side of town isn't that bad. North town is pretty bad but the east side, west side, and Henderson are pretty okay. Red Rock is pretty much fake people area.

I live in Vegas, like I have always said, we are one giant suburb with an annoying tourist attraction.