
@awpitchy: Well, if you dont want to have to fiddle with the phone too long, a lock screen with a few notifications is pretty useful. Now, too many, that are interactive and make noise, and have games is a bit much.

@Mike43110: So when its night the reflection from the moon burns their skin and makes them go back inside and gamble their 300+ year old fortune.

@—Tito—: And so they stop freeloading the pool!

Its not a fault, its there by design to keep hotel guests gambling inside!

That lady's voice was annoying. . .GAHHH. . But she probably was following protocol. She still should have paused every few sec so its less annoying.

It' = It's

@fupa17: Those guys had balls . . . If you catch what I mean. . . .

Backtrack will once again reign in stealing peoples INTERNEZ!!

This should have that old shiny jungly feeling that DKC has given off to me when I would play it on the SNES.

@Teran: I never got the "with inflation" comments, other than times pre 1980's.


@deanes: There is, look on pocketnow.com on youtube, theres an app review.

LOL at the left sofa with the cat, hes PIMPIN that chair XD.

Bring it to android!

LOL at the old man!

That music, that eerie and wonderful music!!

@talkingstove: You do know that they helped make and develop the OS. . .

@Brian Alexander: You do realize that bing and stuff is on by default on WM phones. . . . . I can be 100% positive since I have owned a few. Its not forcing when your company provides services that people can use in a similar fashion. IT IS forcing when you don't have the option to remove it or change the defaults.